54. GRACE − Grounding RRI Actions to Achieve Institutional Changes in European Research Funding and Performing Organisations − Resources

GRACE’s mission is to develop a set of specific Grounding Actions in six performing and funding organisations (Implementing Organisations). These actions are the basis for the development of a tailored 8-year RRI Roadmap within these organisations to ensure its sustainability and full implementation over the long-term. On its page “Resources” there are resources developed by GRACE and other initiatives related to implementing Grounding RRI Actions to Achieve Institutional Changes. Among others, it presents six guidance on the six keys of RRI, a state of the art review of documented experiences as a basic scheme for self-assessment, a questionnaire about the use of the guidance, and a reflection tool for starting RRI initiative.

Part of interest: The six guidance and the reflection tool.

Target groups: RPOs, Higher Education Institutes, Innovation Business, Payers