64. NESTORE − Your pathway to wellbeing

NESTORE is an innovative personalised ICT coaching system to support healthy ageing, based on co-design principles. The NESTORE system aims at putting the user at the core of the design process in order to address one of the biggest challenges of our century: “how to develop technologies that are useful and usable for the target users?”. The need collection of users, made by involving 80 older people communities in the UK, is described in the deliverable D7.1. “Needs, values, and suggestions to Co-design”; the further co-design for improving the prototype is described in deliverable D7.3 “Report on end-user improvement for prototypes”, related to the validation initiatives with stakeholders carried out in 3 EU countries.

Part of interest: See Deliverables D7.1 and D7.3.

Target groups: Policymakers, Providers, RPOs, Business Innovation, High Education Institutions