The paper (by Larisch, Amer-Wåhlin, and Hidefjäll, 2016) contains a new method (functional dynamics approach) for analysing the wider socio-economic context and conditions for innovation processes addressing healthcare challenges in the Stockholm Region, using the functional dynamics approach to innovation systems (ISs). The analysis is based on triangulation using data from 16 in-depth interviews, two workshops, and additional documents. The analysis revealed several mechanisms blocking innovation processes such as fragmentation, lack of clear leadership, as well as insufficient involvement of patients and healthcare professionals. Furthermore, restrictive rules for collaboration with industry, reimbursement, and procurement mechanisms limit entrepreneurial experimentation, commercialisation, and the spread of innovations.
Part of interest: The entire article (and in particular the figures).
Target groups: Policymakers, Providers, Patients, Payers, Innovation Business, RPOs, Higher Education Institute