103. Rewarding RRI. A case study collection of the European Foundations Award for Responsible Research and Innovation 2016

This document, produced by the King Baudouin Foundation and the European Foundations Award for RRI (EFARRI), describes the Award for RRI 2016 by a call for projects on RRI in the European Research Area. The EFARRI aims to identify research groups that have successfully incorporated methods to align research with the needs of society and contributed towards the development of a smart, inclusive, and sustainable society. The document describes 8 steps of the Award, the content of the call for project, the selection procedure, the composition and work of the Jury, the Award Ceremony, and dissemination activities. The Award incorporates RRI dimensions among the criteria for selecting the projects.

Part of interest: The entire document and in particular Pp. 6-14 for the methodology of the Award. The document presents also the 15 RRI finalist practices.

Target groups: Payers, RPOs, Innovation Business, CSOs, Higher Education Institutions, Policymakers