32. Using the Quadruple Helix Approach to accelerate the transfer of Research and Innovation Results to Regional Growth

This Report (by Cavallini, Committee of the Regions, 2016) investigates the theory and the operationalisation of the so-called ‘helices models’ were the main protagonists of innovation-generating processes (industry, university, government, and, at a later stage, civil society) interact for accelerating the transfer of research and innovation results to regional growth. The analysis is principally carried out from the perspective of local and regional authorities (LRAs) and in the light of the potential impacts that the operationalisation at the regional level of such models may have on growth, in particular as reference for the development of Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3). The Report describes the practices and experiences of application.

Part of interest: The entire document and in particular the case GP7 case (Pp. 98-100).

Target groups: Policymakers, RPOs, Business Innovation, Patients and CSOs