The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), is a Public-Private Partnership initiative (PPP) between the European Union (represented by European Commission) and the European pharmaceutical industry (represented by EFPIA) aimed at improving health by speeding up the development of, and patient access to, innovative medicines, particularly in areas where there is an unmet medical or social needs and by facilitating collaboration between the key players involved in health research. By bringing these diverse groups together around one table, the IMI projects can accelerate the development of innovative solutions to the most pressing medical burdens of our time, including antimicrobial resistance, dementia, diabetes, and cancer. The IMI calls for proposals require the participation of citizen and patient organisations that are invited to become a partner in a project by proposing ideas and suggestions.
Part of interest: See the section “The IMI call process” and its annexes.
Target groups: RPOs, Innovation business, Policymakers, CSOs, Patients, Payers, Providers, Professionals, Intermediaries