Join the CHERRIES Community!

Have you heard? We are looking for regions interested to uptake our validated co-creation CHERRIES model. Find out more about our Call for Mirror Regions!

Key information:

  • Apply before November 12th , 2021.
  • Want a trial? Send us your draft before November 5th , 2021.

CHERRIES is a new European project based on a model where civil society, healthcare organizations and companies co-create healthcare solutions. They receive the economic support of regional funds, and the business advice of eHealth experts Regions that are interested in this model can receive free coaching.

Open call at a glance:

  • Economic support: The 3 selected Mirror Regions chosen will receive a session of coaching to be held in Brussels if the pandemic allows physical meetings. All travel expenses would be covered by the CHERRIES project.
  • Application deadline: November 12th , 2021.
  • Who can apply?Regional consortiums integrated by territorial stakeholders involved or interested in embedding the RRI practices in territorial innovation policies and instruments – not necessarily in the health sector only. The Community will be open for R&I actors from outside Europe, so to facilitate a global exchange of practises
  • Language: Application forms can only be filled in English.
  • Evaluation criteria: commitment, motivation, representation and regional impact

How to be part of the CHERRIES community? Follow the steps below:

Candidate regions are to submit the proposal in a Consortium that replicates the same constellation of stakeholders defined in the CHERRIES model, this is stakeholder dealing with business support, regional development, public bodies with a sectorial approach, among others.

STEP 1: Build the Consortium

Identify in your region the key stakeholders that will be able a) to identify need in a concrete sector with the involvement of the civil society; b) to allocate the regional funding to work on the action and c) to support the cocreation process between solution providers and the organisations identifying the need.

STEP 2: Fill in the form provided in the call

Provide as much information as possible in the form designed to gather your proposal. Pay special attention to

  • The Consortium’s capacity to mobilise regional actors covering the different aspects of the call with particular attention to civil society engagement and other RRI principles
  • The feasibility to commit public funding to carry out the activities needed to identify and address the challenge (i.e., public funding, regional structural funds, etc.).
  • The commitment to implement the CHERRIES methodology, to actively participate in both online and offline meetings and get implicated in the implementation process together with those activities developed beyond the project lifespan.

STEP 3: Submit your proposal in time

Send in your proposal before the 12 of November.

Interested? Then click here to find out more and apply by November 12th , 2021.